I didn't find too many decorations at the party store airplane related, so I had to be a little creative. I strung together white balloons with a needle and thread and hung them from the ceiling to look like clouds. I blew up a few extra balloons and left them on the floor for the kids to play with, which was a real hit with the toddlers!
I found these little stickers at the dollar store and gave one to each child as they arrived which broke the ice and made them feel welcome!
I printed out these coloring pages earlier in the day and set them in one corner of the kitchen with some crayons for a "coloring station."
I also set out some blank paper and a sample "folded airplane" so parents could help their toddlers fold an airplane.
I found these little airplane glider kits at Zurcher's for about 23 cents each that I set out on the table to be assembled.
When they are all put together, they end up looking like this:
My little boy's favorite drink is apple juice, so of course we had to have juice to share with his friends. I added a simple white strip of paper and an airplane die cut to each sippy cup for a little extra detail!
Instead of a cake, we had cupcakes! I made a thick frosting and piped it with a wide circle tip to look like clouds and placed a small airplane on each one (I purchased the airplanes at Utah Idaho Supply Map World). I also scooped ice cream into cupcake liners and kept it in the freezer until everyone arrived so it would be nice and frozen and I wouldn't have to spend so much time scooping ice cream for everyone. Thank you Pintrest for that wonderful suggestion - worked like a charm!
I made baggies of pretzels (that's what they serve on airplanes, right?) and marshmallows (they sort of look like clouds). I also had a plate of trail mix in cupcake liners for the peanut lovers!
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