1/4 yard Valentine's Day print material in 3 or 4 different patterns
1 spool 3/8" ribbon
sewing machine
glue gun
buttons (optional)
Choose fabric in different Valentine's Day patterns at your local craft store - I went to JoAnn's and chose 4 patterns (1/4 yard each). You can't see it in the picture, but there are little sparkles in this fabric!
Trace a heart on a piece of paper the size you would like to make each heart (I made a total of 9 hearts, 5 inches long across the top of each heart). Fold your fabric "wrong-sides" together and pin the paper to the fabric going through both sides of fabric. Cut along the paper and repeat for each additional heart.
Since the fabrics are already lined up correctly, just sew around the outside of the heart, leaving a little gap open to stuff with batting. Once filled (not too full) sew the open hole closed. I'm sure there is a better way to attach the hearts, but I just used a glue gun.
Carefully glue each heart together until you have a chain of hearts. Tie enough small ribbon bows to place between each heart with the glue gun. I also glued buttons to a few of the hearts to spice it up a little. Attach a 10-12 inch ribbon to each end and wallah... you have cute heart garland to add to your fireplace!
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