

Wooden Words

A couple weeks ago I was asked to decorate the display window in our Relief Society room at church. Hmmm, sure! As I thought about what I wanted to do, I knew I wanted to somehow reflect the unity and sisterhood of Relief Society sisters. I thought of those painted letters that spell words like, "Laugh," "Simplify," or "Family." I thought for sure I could find one that said, "Sisters."

But, to no avail! I decided I should stop wasting my time looking and just make one myself. So after a quick trip to Hobby Lobby I had all the supplies I needed to make this:

I bought each letter individually (I don't LOVE the font. Different craft stores have other options, I just didn't have time to keep looking). I then needed to find something to mount the letters on. I found a pack of three small wood slats just the right size. I simply used a foam brush to cover each piece with acrylic paint. After everything was dry, I used the glue gun to carefully attach each letter.

I used a solid color table cloth and a matching patterned quilt for the backdrop and an easel with a framed picture of Mary and Martha, a spring bouquet of silk flowers and these little painted letters to tie it all together. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the finished product, so you'll just have to use your imagination!

Maybe there's some word you wish you could find to place on a shelf in your home or office (like your name). Not to worry, you can easily make it yourself!

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