A few months ago I hosted a baby shower for Alexis and thought I'd share a few pictures and ideas.
As each guest entered, there was a place to write a little love note for mom and baby (love note cards from previous tutorial found

These candy-filled glass baby bottles added a nice touch to the refreshment table (as well as a few fresh flowers from the garden). Since the colors I used were pink and yellow, I used lemon heads, pink Good & Plenty licorice and pink and yellow Jelly Belly jelly beans:

A "Busy Bee" event is not complete without cupcakes! Throw in beautiful fruit and veggie platters (that I did not get any pictures of) brought by a friend who helped with the shower (who also made beautiful announcements with a template purchased from Etsy)...

... and a few delicious Pinwheels (these are so, SO easy to make and are a great addition to almost any themed party!).

6-8 Tortillas
1 8oz. brick of cream cheese
1 package Lipton dry Onion seasoning
1 package of turkey/ham slices
1 small can sliced olives
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
Toothpicks (don't forget these!)
Mix onion seasoning and cream cheese together. Fold in olives and yellow pepper. Generously spread mixture onto tortillas and top with sliced meat. Gently roll tortilla and use a toothpick to hold in place. Add a few more toothpicks along the edge of the tortilla about 1 1/2 inches apart and carefully cut between each toothpick. Whalla... Pinwheels!
We played a simple game of "guess how big mommy's belly has grown" (be sure to check that this is not an offensive game to the mommy before playing!). Each person simply makes a mark on the ribbon and writes their name next to their mark. After everyone has made their mark, Mommy-To-Be holds the ribbon around her waist and announces the winner! When we played this, I somehow was the closest, and it was a little awkward (like I had rigged the game or something)... so I gave the prize to the next closest person - just a heads up in case you are NOT planning to be the awkward winner!

And, finally, a table with several white onesies to decorate with puff paints. I covered a folding table with wrapping paper to protect it from any spills. I also inserted a square cardboard cutout inside of each onesie so that the paint would not bleed through to the back of the onesie and stick the front and the back together. Fun decorating ideas included flowers, a rainbow, butterflies, a necklace and a black smiley face with a big pink bow.

Overall, it was a fun shower. If I did it again, I probably would have just had refreshments and visiting on the back patio with some nice music and soaked up the nice warm weather that is now quickly fading into Fall.

Here's hoping your next shower, party, event is a success!